Copper guttering featured in 'Period Ideas' magazine this month.

This month in 'Period Ideas' there was an article giving pointers on how to get your guttering and downpipes ready for the coming months and the onset of winter. Together with a useful action plan to keep your gutters in the best working order was a photograph of our stylish copper guttering on a timber frame home. Of course if copper is the material chosen for the guttering then it will last more than 100 years with very little maintenance required what so ever. Copper requires no decoration, cleaning and virtually no maintenance other than the removal of debris that may fall into the guttering. The reason being that copper is a natural product and acts as an algaecide and fungicide, keeping growths such as moss and lichen to a minimum, therefore keeping gutters clear and also excellent for rain water harvesting. For more information visit or call us on 01489 797774. (Coppa Gutta is a trade mark of Good Directions ...